Some years are just better than others - And the 2011 snowmobile season was one of our Dad's best. For starters Mother Nature blessed the land and Dad with blankets and blankets of snow often and early. Because Dad was so good, last year for Christmas Ole' Kris Kringle surprised him with an M1000 Artic Cat snowmobile with a 153in. track with 165 hp (Can you say, "power baby!"). Because he was so sweet and nice to his wife she afforded him to ride often, long & hard mostly in Island Park with his semi pro Artic Cat team from Jerome Idaho (Uncle Gary & friends). Did I mention how good the snow was? Record breaking! 7 feet on the valley floor in Island Park! Dad rode over 750 miles in three different states, snowmobiling from Mt. Jefferson to Two Tops and back. From Strawberry to Lake Creek oh how good was the riding. Of course there were a few spills and chills along the way and trees that had to be cut down because he tried to go over them, but mostly just powder pleasers for the crowds. For the time being before Dad ran out of gas money and time and he had to come home to the crying kids and the task oriented OCD wife and before he became Elder's Quorum President you could say he was for a season -
Hello world!
5 years ago
Wow, what a nice wife you do have to not only let you buy the snowmobile but to allow you to ride with such a interesting crowd. What does Kelly get now?
Love the post. Rob, you do have the best OCD wife in the world. :) Elders quorum president? My condolences, mostly to Kelly.
I wish I had your life!
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