Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bears in the Camp

This is living proof that bears were close by, less than a half mile close by. Some family members didn't think it was necessary for Kelly to take all food inside the cabin.

If you look closely you can see a bear behind the pine tree on the left side. At the bottom of the picture you can see the date of when it was taken. Saturday night after the Rodeo BBQ this picture was taken.

Even More Family Reunion Pics

The Reunion Hike started at the old Indian fort behind the cabin.

The Pilgrimage stretched long and far. Old and Young, tall and small, fat and thin.

Some of the Family members rode their motorcycles to the reunion. Here is a pic of the Harley Riders.

The Muley was the transportation vehicle forthe camping gear. Some people brought enough camping gear to stay a life time.

More Family Reunion Pics

Big Boy Bottle Rockets.

Candy was placed on the top of each rocket then shot into the air. Candy would fly every where and the kids would go crazy trying to pick it up.

The rocket was pressurized with the air pump. A big crowd pleaser at a redneck family reunion.